A Church for ALL people. No matter what background of denomination, or past. A place that works to Love people back to life and introduce them to a future centered around Jesus and the plan of God for their life. To work with the spirit and minister to ALL people and ALL realities they may face. This church will be a hospital for the sick, a rebuilding home for the broken, and hope to the hopeless.
Pastoral Leaders who promote, encourage, foster and develop the spiritual lives of all members by playing an active role in the lives of ALL. It starts with the head
Worship- An atmosphere of worship that blends styles and promotes corporate worship while offering something for ALL ages and musical styles. Teaching on the importance of Worship and the powerful anointing that can break chains when we move beyond the program itself and truly worship united in spirit as one body of believers.
Spirit submission- We are a church that believes in the infilling of the Holy Spirit and the operation of spiritual gifts and the supernatural ability of God. We will lead, follow, and worship allowing the presence of God freedom to move and work in the lives of every person. The Goal of reaching all can not be obtained without the spirit of God operating and being the center of everything.
Outreach- Beginning with the Pastoral leaders one primary initiative of CPC will be outreach. We will work together to build a presence in our community. We will serve others just as Jesus did and we will take the anointing of God and the love of God outside our walls.
Connected Leadership and Accountability. ALL leaders will work together to promote, foster, and move forward the vision and plan of God for our church. We will lead by example, be held accountable for the responsibility placed on us by God according to his word. We will be submissive to the Leadership placed in our lives and will work together.
Communication- A church that is connected and informed and working together in one direction can change the world. Communication is key. We will communicate with each other and all who join the body to actively minister to the needs based on the reality of where people are in their walks.
Canyon Park Church is a place for all to find forgiveness, love, and restoration through Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, and a family of believers who will minister to all.
Every single one of us play a part. Every single one of us matters and has a place in the vision and future of our ministry. We are CPC, We are family, We are strong. We are the church for ALL. There are some of us who have callings we don’t use. We have abilities to reach others that we don’t operate in. NOW is the time for us ALL to rise up and walk in the anointing and plan of God for our lives.